What is sty?

Sty is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus. This bacterium is generally found in the nose. If one touches the eyes with the same hands with which nose was touched the eyes become infected. Sty appears in the form of red swollen boil in and around the eyelids. It is painful and has an itchy feeling but one should not rub or squeeze the eyes or boil for relaxation as it can lead to further complications. It is contagious. It spreads from one person to another.

A person suffering from sty has a moist feeling in the eyes. At times, his vision can also be affected. The eyes appear red. Most of the times one experiences mucus discharge from the eyes. Slowly the affected area becomes swollen and form appoint. It gets bigger as it fills up with pus. It stays for 3 to 4 days and then drains on its own. If it stays for more than a week then one should see a doctor.

Treatment of sty 

Since it has pain and itching sensation one can use some effective home remedies to get rid of them. These remedies are effective because eyes are very sensitive parts of the body and these remedies are natural and have no side effects. Some of the remedies are as follows:

The best treatment is to give compresses. Cotton pads soaked in water should be put on eyes. This compress should be given several times a day as they help in draining of the sty.

Eyewash prepared from coriander seeds is very effective in sty. One tablespoon of coriander seeds should be boiled in water. After boiling, the water should be drained and allowed to cool. Later the eyes should be washed from this water several times a day.

 Tea bags are good for eyes. Wet tea bags can also be used in getting relief from sty. They can be placed on eyes for 8 to 10 minutes several times a day. They give fast relief.

The leaves of Guava should be warmed and placed on a damp cloth can be used as a compress. They help in reducing pain redness as well as swelling.

Potato paste spread on a cloth and applied on the affected area helps in reducing swelling.

 Eye drops are very effective in curing sty especially the once made at home. Turmeric powder is mixed in two cups of water. The mixture is boiled until it is reduced to half of the quantity. This mixture is strained from a cotton cloth and used as an eye drop twice or thrice a day.

Aloe is also very effective in curing sty. The leaf of aloe is cut lengthwise and the pulpy side is applied on the affected area.

Two to three grams alum dissolved in water can be used as eye wash.

Antibacterial dandelion tea helps body to fight with bacteria, which causes sty.

One tablespoon of triphala dissolved in water should be left overnight. It should be filtered in the morning and used as eyewash.

How long styes last.

 The sty lasts for 3 to 4 days. It should be allowed to drain naturally. During this period, one should not press or squeeze it instead, give warm compresses several times a day. They not only give relaxation but also cure the sty.

One should immediately see a doctor if after following these remedies sty does not respond. Along with compresses, even eyewash works wonders.

Doctors prescribe medicines and ointments. The ointment can be bought from a medical shop and applied on the eyelash line. They stay there for some time and prevent the bacteria from growing thus curing the sty. Doctors even provide some medicines for the pain, which can be taken orally.  Ointments like Neosprin can be used. However, even if there is no response to the medicines the last step is surgery.

The doctor operates the sty and drains the pus out. It is performed in the doctor’s clinic under anesthesia. The person is given anesthesia and then the operation is done. The pus is taken out of the boil through operation. This is a permanent cure of the sty.

Apart from all this cleanliness is the most important thing, which needs to be observed if one wants the sty to disappear fast.

Eye exercises like moving the eyes up and down and sideways, clockwise and anticlockwise and rotation of neck helps in providing relaxation to the eyes. Palming is another helpful thing in sty. It reduces strain. The eyes are covered with palm and with closed eyes on concentrates on blankness. After sometime remove the hand and repeat this again. This works wonder.